Cast Poker Star Wars with 7 bizarre photo mashups

Go all in, take my Poker Star Wars poker pro quiz, and get rewarded with disturbing photo mashups!
Go all in, take my Poker Star Wars poker pro quiz, and get rewarded with disturbing photo mashups!

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. heroes battled villains in an epic quest to achieve the ultimate victory.

The odds seem insurmountable and thousands of opponents stand in their way, but with the help of The Force and the generous use of mind tricks victory is possible.

Not Star Wars. Poker!

Noble heroes! Dastardly villains! Epic wins! Crushing losses! Why would you be on the edge of your seat waiting for missiles shot from a spaceship to destroy a wicked planetoid space weapon when you could… Watch a plastic rectangle flip over and gentleman shake hands?

poker-star-wars-1 (2)
My proposed opening crawl to Poker Star Wars. There’s a reason Disney pays me the big bucks.

Become the director of Poker Star Wars!

Poker’s got it all, including larger-than-life personalities that no multi-billion dollar space opera can touch. There are even rumors (and by rumors I mean I made it up for this quiz) that new Star Wars owner Disney plans to recast the saga to make the ultimate epic: Poker. Star. Wars!

Why should Disney pay millions to the likes of JJ Abrams, though, when you can do a better job for Chipotle and M&Ms? Actually, scratch that, I’ve got a Facebook share button as your reward instead!

Take my poker pro quiz as your first job interview. Cast these pros for their best-suited role in Poker Star Wars.

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Can you cast the new Poker Star Wars movie? I got %%score%% of %%total%% right

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