Two days ago, another Spin & Go millionaire was born on PokerStars. It was player going under the alias ‘jrww86‘ who took home the seven-figure win after he registered for a $100 Spin & Go at just the right moment. Although we’ve almost become used jackpot winners from Russia, this one was from Bermuda.
Yeah, you’ve read that right. PokerStars is really a global affair.
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Spin & Go millionaire in just a few minutes
If you are familiar with the Spin & Go format, you probably know these are short, fast-paced tournaments featuring just three players. The prize pool is then determined at random, but it is always a multiplier of the base buy-in, from 2x upwards.
The one that went of on Thursday evening just happened to feature a 12,000x multiplier (in total).
Apart from ‘jrww86,’ two more players had high hopes of becoming the next Spin & Go millionaire. One was ‘netspider_,’ and the other ws ‘REVELKOF.’ These two hailed from Russia and Belarus, so there was 33% chance the big jackpot would end up in Russia once again.
Game On
It wasn’t to be this time around. Lady Luck clearly had her eyes set on Bermuda and there was nothing that could change her mind. Within just a few minutes of play, the latest Spin & Go millionaire would be crowned and things simply went ‘jrww86’s way.
The Bermudian player managed to seize some chips from his opponents before REVELKOF sent netspider_ out in third. Disappointing finish for sure, but netspider_ still got a consolation prize of $100,000, which should ease his pain at least somewhat.
Especially when he’s had some time to look at things from a different perspective, because losing always sucks initially.
Heads up for a cool million
REVELKOF and jrww86 started the heads up play almost dead even in chips. One of them was to be the new Spin & Go millionaire. The other would take home $100k. Although we don’t know identities of these players, it’s safe to assume it was the biggest poker match of their lives by far.
Fifteen hands into the heads up play, jrww86 held a small but crucial advantage over his opponent. Two players saw the flop of Q J 9 and, playing with very shallow stack, REVELKOF moved in. The Bermudian player snapped him off with top two pair.
REVELKOF and his Q3 needed a real miracle to survive.
Said miracle failed to materialize and it was all over. A name (or at least an alias) of the new Spin & Go millionaire was known to the world. Daniel Negreanu was one of the first ones to Tweet the news out.
This actually happens folks. Dude just won a cool million playing a Spin & Go.
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker) December 15, 2016
New Spin & Go millionaire lost for words
After the epic win, folks from PokerStars reached out to the latest Spin & Go millionaire. To say he was overwhelmed would be an epic understatement. At first, he simply stated he was too excited to talk. Who could blame him?
When he finally wrapped his head around what had happened, PokerStars did manage to gather some information about their newly created Spin & Go millionaire. He’s a 30-year old history teacher from Bermuda. Poker’s been his hobby for about a decade.
The lucky winner also said the money would come in handy and that it was a timely blessing. No kidding!